James Paterson is a Montreal-based artist and creative technologist whose work hangs out at the intersection of drawing, animation and code. He joined us at the first TOCA ME Design Conference in 2004, followed by more visits to Munich over the last years.
James Paterson is a Montreal-based artist and creative technologist whose work hangs out at the intersection of drawing, animation and code. He has been at the TOCA ME Design Conference from the beginning, the first time in 2004, followed by more visits to Munich over the last years.
James Paterson, Suzie
To get started, please introduce yourself. What's your background and how did you get into the art and design world?
Hi everyone, I'm James Paterson aka Presstube. I'm a British born Cana­di­an based in Montreal. I've always loved drawing, but de­cid­ed to start doing it everyday when I was 12. As a teen I would bring a sketch­book with me every­where and draw con­stant­ly - at school, at parties, every­where. It was like my own private Narnia Portal and if I'm being honest it was also kind of a se­cu­ri­ty blanket.

I started publishing my art online in the form of Flash ani­ma­tions in the late 90s, got majorly into code in the 2000s and have been sub­merged in the weird and wonderful world of crypto art for the past year, which feels like 100 years in crypto time :)
James Paterson, Reminder
In your artworks, you move at the inter­section of drawing, animation and code. How can we imagine your work process?
Drawing is the central pivot point of my process. It's where I dig the deepest and where things get the most personal. For me draw­ing is a spiri­tual prac­tice and without it I don't feel quite right in the world.

Animation is a soothing, highly repet­i­tive activ­ity that feels a bit like draw­ing & knitting made a baby.

Code is where any idea can be broken down and turned into a func­tioning machine through pre­cise use of lan­guage and logic. It's pure alche­my and the most im­por­tant art medium of our time.

For me, on a good day, all three of these medi­ums meld seam­lessly into one. Sometimes sculpture and paint­ing also join the party, but they are a bit second tier compared to the core three.
James Paterson, Weird Oiled Machine
James Paterson, Dark Lord Grocery Delivery
James Paterson, Shared Hair
James Paterson, Dark Lord Grocery Delivery
James Paterson, Shared Hair
Where do you get your ideas and find creative inspiration?
I am quite process driven rather than planful. My favorite way to work is to follow meandering chains of ideas and have them lead me to unex­pect­ed des­ti­na­tions. For this to work well it's best not to have dead­lines or ex­ter­nal pres­sures. A free spirited set of ideas operate on their own sched­ule and don't like to be forced. Years ago at the con­clu­sion of a heavy hitting psy­che­delic trip I was left chew­ing on the phrase “open up time and space and beauty will emerge”, and I've been trying to take that advice ever since.

While my process is fairly inbred and self referential I also get all kinds of ins­pi­ra­tion from the global art com­mu­nity - es­pe­cial­ly these days from the vivid under­ground art scene taking place on the Tezos blockchain.
James Paterson, Tibet
Let's go back a few years - you and Amit Pitaru were at the very first edition of TOCA ME in 2004. Under the name Insert Silence, you were pushing the bound­aries of art and technology. Can you tell us a little bit about your col­lab­o­ra­tion as an artist collective?
The first TOCA ME in 2004, that was almost 20 years ago! It looks like we are going to spend our entire creative lives connected :) - that makes me happy.

Amit Pitaru and I met at a con­fer­ence in London in 2000 only to discover that we lived a few blocks away from one another in Brooklyn. We be­came fast friends and cut our teeth to­gether over the course of many years and many different collaborations.

At the heart of our work together has always been the cre­ation of bespoke creative tools. More specif­i­cally, ex­plor­ing the feedback loops between making one's own tools and prac­tic­ing with them: “Up and down the ladder of ab­strac­tion”, as Bret Victor would say.

Most of Amit and my projects feel a bit like in­vent­ing a weird new musical instrument then prac­tic­ing towards enough expertise and comfort with it to play a single big concert, then putting the instru­ment on a shelf and moving on to the next thing without looking back...
James Paterson, Recursive Lure
James Paterson, Me & Mine #1
James Paterson, Recursive Lure
James Paterson, Me & Mine #1
James Paterson, Raspberry Gram Knitting
Your unique style can be found in music videos, on physical objects and sculptures, and even in augmented and virtual worlds. What have been your favorite projects over the last years?
There are too many to list, but I'd say my personal high­lights are Rotten Fruit Tardis, Nun Tit Oracle and NormanVR.

My fa­vorite pro­jects in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Amit Pitaru so far are probably Rhonda and Chain Reaction.

My fave commercial projects were making pro­duct pro­to­types on the design team at FiftyThree (also with Amit Pitaru), where we were cre­at­ing kickass draw­ing tools, and working as a creative director at B-Reel where I made a hilar­i­ous video game called Space Janitor which never saw the light of day but was one of the most fun projects I've ever been a part of.
James Paterson x Trudy Elmore, Bummis Patch Nodules
Last but not least...
Coffee or tea?
One very strong Bialetti coffee early in the morning.
Last but not least...
Coffee or tea?
One very strong Bialetti coffee early in the morning.
Daytime work or night shifts?
Super early morning until I drop. I'm a single dad with two young kids so I'm a grizzled warhorse now.
Daytime work or night shifts?
Super early morning until I drop. I'm a single dad with two young kids so I'm a grizzled warhorse now.
Black and White or color?
Married to Black & White, but have occasional slutty affairs with techni­color chroma blasts.
Black and White or color?
Married to Black & White, but have occasional slutty affairs with techni­color chroma blasts.
Solo artist or team player?
Kind of a mix. I'm an introvert by nature and cherish anytime I get to work alone, but I also get a huge kick out of collab­o­rations and am usually involved with more than one at any given time.
Solo artist or team player?
Kind of a mix. I'm an introvert by nature and cherish anytime I get to work alone, but I also get a huge kick out of collab­o­rations and am usually involved with more than one at any given time.
What is your all-time favorite song?
Maybe Blue Calx by Aphex Twin. It's a perfect juxtaposition of desolation and hope.
What is your all-time favorite song?
Maybe Blue Calx by Aphex Twin. It's a perfect juxtaposition of desolation and hope.
James Paterson starred at TOCA ME 19, TOCA ME 08 and TOCA ME 04.
James Paterson starred at TOCA ME 19, TOCA ME 08 and TOCA ME 04.
Interview by TOCA ME in March 2022. Photos and Videos by James Paterson, Robert Hranitzky and Maximilian Zahn.
Interview by TOCA ME in March 2022. Photos and Videos by James Paterson, Robert Hranitzky and Maximilian Zahn.