© Mateo Udovicic
© Mateo Udovicic
Since 2003 TOCA ME design events have brought to­geth­er some of the most in­no­va­tive de­sign­ers from around the globe. Cover­ing all fields of ana­log and dig­i­tal design. From clas­sic graph­ic de­sign to the lat­est and state-of-the-art trends and developments.
Over the years the TOCA ME Design Conference has become a meet­ing point for graph­ic design­ers, illus­tra­tors, dig­i­tal artists, developers, mo­tion graph­ics artists, and every­one who loves to create things and is look­ing for a boost of design and inspiration.
Since 2003 TOCA ME design events have brought to­geth­er some of the most in­no­va­tive de­sign­ers from around the globe. Cover­ing all fields of ana­log and dig­i­tal de­sign. From clas­sic graphic design to the lat­est and state-of-the-art trends and developments.
More than 100 international and local artists have joined TOCA ME design events, pre­sent­ing their pro­jects, shar­ing ideas and giving a view be­hind their design pro­cess.

Regardless of whether it's a large event like the design conference, a workshop or local meetup, each one is organized with lots of heart and soul, always trying to make it a special one.
Past participants include Joshua Davis, Jessica Walsh, Yuko Shimizu, Eike König, Annie Atkins, Erik Kessels, Sougwen Chung, Anna Ginsburg, Mr Bingo, Ariane Spanier, GMUNK, Evan Roth, Joëlle Snaith, Malika Favre, Zach Lieberman, Lernert & Sander, Susi Sie, James Paterson, Anita Fontaine, Patrick Thomas, Memo Akten, Seb Lester, Sarah Illenberger, Brendan Dawes, Jared Tarbell, Anthony Burrill and many more.
Past participants include Joshua Davis, Jessica Walsh, Yuko Shimizu, Eike König, Annie Atkins, Erik Kessels, Sougwen Chung, Anna Ginsburg, Mr Bingo, Ariane Spanier, GMUNK, Malika Favre, Zach Lieberman, Joëlle Snaith, James Paterson, Memo Akten, Seb Lester, Anita Fontaine, Patrick Thomas, Susi Sie, Sarah Illenberger, Jared Tarbell, Brendan Dawes, Evan Roth, Anthony Burrill and many more.